Actually one of my hobbies is taps. At the top is an interesting single barrel tap. Isn't she a beauty?
Single barrel taps are good because they are simple. Not too much training to learn how to use them. On the other hand there is only one outlet. This is why the double barrel tap has been invented.
You can see an excellent example in the photo on the right. Wow real sex appeal. The advantage of the double barrel tap is that you can have two applications connected at the same time. The inconvenience is that due to lack of water pressure you usually can't operate the two applications at the same time. So you use the little red taps to turn on each application in turn. And yes you've guessed it. It is a lot simpler to reconnect the different hose pipes on the single barrel than to fiddle with the stupid little red taps.
Actually both of these taps have fascinating stories, that's why I have photos. But I can't share that information with you.
3 commentaires:
Seeing as how this blog does not allow anonymous comments, how come my earlier comment (sent purely as a courtesy) posted under my real name (ColinB) has been made to look anonymous. Since it was a copy of one I sent to Chocolate and Cuckoos, anyone coming here would assume I had tried to conceal my identity here but not elsewhere, which was not the case. Either accept or delete my comments, Richard. Kindly don't tinker with them.
As you know, I am not accepting further comments from you on my blog, given the highly personal nature of your remarks. You don't seem able to understand that an individual's blog can be accessed by anyone - friends, family, employers etc, and that one should moderate one's comments accordingly.
If this blog ever takes off (which seems improbable, based on what we see here) then perhaps you too will start to appreciate the obvious.
Never mind the taps, Richard; they're too complicated. Just get your scruffy garden weeded and tidied up. What a mess!
The profile is spot-on though - an empty space, just like you. Vacant.
Well, this is an interesting post.
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