This is a picture of our local parish church. It is one of the larger ones in our area and we are quite proud of it. Of course financially it is a bit of a strain. We organise many events during the year to raise money.
There is an annual walk of 5 km, 10 km and 15 km distances depending on your physical condition. There are tables along the way where you can buy juice, biscuits and bottled water at extortionate prices.(but the cause is honest, honest) The idea is to tire everybody so much that they need a lot of refreshment. We’re right on the edge of the Sologne forest (the biggest wooded area in Western Europe), so that’s where we go. Being the Loiret it’s as flat as a pancake and it is difficult to find new circuits, so quite honestly, it’s becoming boring. But we get new recruits each year who don’t realize quite how dull it is.
There is also an art show where you can sell your masterpieces. If you sell something the church takes a 15% commission. I like contributing but I draw the line at putting that stuff in my sitting room. The mayor always comes to the event, he likes arty types.
There is a bring and buy sale. We bake masses of cakes in order to raise a maximum of money. Then we have to buy them. Eating them is optional; otherwise they go in the dustbin. I make an English type fruitcake; it goes down very well with the French; le cake does. Or maybe it weighs down many a poubelle.
Right now we are getting ready for Christmas and decorating the church. Since it’s so big we can’t decorate everything. We have bought an enormous Christmas tree (Abies normann) and covered it with tinsel. There’s a nice angel at the top. This week we will put holly, ivy and flowers on the altar. We have a small committee to do the flower arranging, I am the only masculine member, other than the priest.
Right after the holidays I will have to go to confession. Gluttony will be at the top of the list.I'll talk about that later.
12 commentaires:
Oh my dear, how orfly, orfly English! Cake stalls and sales of work at St.Peter's, no less!
Does His Holiness do the 5 kilometre run then ?
So who's the Patron Saint of Pisstakers ? Richard of Orleans !
A cudgel, rather than rapier-like riposte. How sad when humourless people try to be witty.
Thanks, by the way, for the link, Richard. I shall reciprocate.
Hello roo, I didn't realise you'd started a blog. I didn't know, either that you had such an intense interest in taps. Don't forget to drain yours and turn it off at the mains before it explodes with ice...
Hi Sarah Welcome You see there are a lot things where you're not au courant. Spending too much time on your red lighting no doubt.
Oh, yes, I'm aware that I'm not au courant with tons of things, but I don't let it worry me too much. There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything.
The red lighting looks very pretty around the piano and up the stairs. We have twinkling lights on the tree and brilliant ones under the kitchen bar. It looks very festive, thanks.
Well we haven't done anything so far. No tree, no lights, no decorations,no food, little wine. Busy with our work until friday afternoon. Then there will be the big push and we will fix things on friday evening, saturday and sunday.We always do that if we stay here. Of course Xmas is not very important we have lots of time for New Year.My first English visitor has arrived and the arguments have started immediately.These people always want to tell you what todo.But not of course do it.
You allow ENGLISH people to come and stay in your house, Roo?
Hope they don't break the furniture and throw up over the Christmas tree.
Well louise. I have put heavy duty plastic on the matresses. Taken up the carpets and hid my wine.No point in taking any risks.
Otherwise we just argue. Not that different from these blogs.
We Wish You a Berry Christmas
We wish you a Berry Christmas;
We wish you a Berry Christmas;
We wish you a Berry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer: Refrain
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here: Refrain
We wish you a Berry Christmas;
We wish you a Berry Christmas;
We wish you a Berry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
There you are Colin there is my message of reconciliation for the Christmas spirit.
May games of football break out between the blogging trenches on the 25th. Therafter who can tell what will happen
Glad to see your have taken precautions with the rosbifs arriving chez vous. Definitely hide the plonk - you can always bring out the horrid bottles people bring round when invited to your place. I'm not saying all your friends bring you horrid plonk, but we all have bottles lurking that we know damn well aren't drinkable and look for the occasion to palm them off onto someone else.
There's also a "company wine" classification, Louise -- stuff that you're prepared to drink yourself when you're not willing to serve your best stuff to guests.
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