12 décembre 2006

Good evening everybody. I return to the blogosphere. Today I have a picture of a mini pelle for you. I have no idea what it is called in English, maybe a small digger. Were you wanting to install a tap at the bottom of your garden, this would be an excellent tool to have available. It weighs 1.5 tonnes and could easily make a nice deep trench to keep your pipe out of frosts way. Of course if you live on a mountain you may need dynamite.

Now it is true that the gentleman operating the machine, who proudly explained what he was doing, is not installing a tap. He is désouching dead thuya. 20 years ago everybody in this area planted a thuya hedge. Along comes a champignon and there are a lot of dead hedges around our houses.

And so to my point, somewhat indirectly it is true. Champignon give us a very interesting insight into French and English national character. If you choose the name of a champignon, let's say honey fungus and look it up on google, what do you find? The English sites will tell you what it attacks,what damage it does, how to get rid of it. The French sites tell you whether it tastes nice. Chacun son goût, n'est-ce pas. Incidentally you can't eat the fungus that attacks Thuya but you can eat honey fungus.

2 commentaires:

Louise a dit…

Goodness my, Richard, these postings get better and better!

Your garden looks even more of a shambles than mine.

Louise a dit…

'Me' - sorry. Definitely NOT 'Goodness, my Richard, these postings ...' what a difference a comma and a slip on the keyboards, can make, eh?