14 décembre 2006

A shared passion

Good evening. I am absolutely flabbergasted by the number of people who share my passion for taps. It just shows that the majority, which is only interested in music, football, art, theatre, newspapers, films, rugby and other trivia of our daily lives, put so much pressure on us to conform, that we feel on the defensive and pursue our hobby secretly. I am glad I came out.

I can’t possibly reply individually to everybody who has written to me, I will try to cover your questions on my blog. Of course I am not able to disclose locations of the rarer taps. There would inevitably be some people who would mistreat them and masterpieces would be lost for ever. Through careful and dedicated field work each individual tap hunter will be able to constitute his own list of fascinating sites. And of course it is one’s own personal voyages of discovery that gives the deep inner sense of accomplishment. The knowledge that one has personally contributed to the furtherance of our exclusive and important field of study.

Some of you are very technical and are analysing alloy composition, rubber curing methods, dimensions, water flow, casting methods, quenching speeds, torque etc. Personally I have always concentrated on individual beauty, design and personality traits, but your leading edge work is enriching our chosen discipline. I encourage you to pursue your inspiring work.

I will give a full report on my fascinating day of field work in the Orléans forest in a later post.

15 commentaires:

Bill Taylor a dit…

This is such a life-affirming blog. And I'm not joshing when I say that.

sciencebod a dit…


There is a bug on your site. It says '1 commentaires' (plural) when it should be singular, '1 commentaire'. Now you won't be able to see it because it will say '2 commentaires' which is plural so OK. But it's disagreeable to know it's there and it will come back on the next post.

Sense of déjà vu, Richard ? There should be, because it's the kind of crap comment you leave on other people's sites.

But there are far worse examples than this which one could quote, which is why (to reiterate)I am not accepting any more comments from you. So feel free to delete this one.

richard of orléans a dit…

Bill I am not sure what it is. Probably my English antidote. Anyway it keeps me amused as I hack through the chores of a micro entreprise.

richard of orléans a dit…

Colinb. You'll have to try harder if you want to get under my skin.

Bill Taylor a dit…

Colin Berry is NOT being life-affirming. Or joshing. It's so unlike him.

Louise a dit…

I saw the most wonderful tap in Sion today, but didn't have my camera - next time I go there I shall take a photo - it is so sweeeet!

Actually it's not exactly a tap, more a drinking fountain, but worth a photo.

richard of orléans a dit…

Ah you see, you start to notice these fascinating objects. They are all around us.

Benjy a dit…

If you are such an expert on taps, how come you overlooked the mains water pipe that runs up the side of your waterwheel (the thing you call a cartwheel)? Although out of the picture, it must clearly terminate in a tap, allowing this ornamental feature in the park/garden to rotate ?

Having misidentifeid the feature as a cartwheel, are you rendered blind to the presence of a object that you claim to cherish ?

The sceptics among us might think that the claimed interest in taps is simply adolescent piss-taking, directed against all those blogs which centre on an individual's personal interest(s). Why take umbrage, Richard ? Is every blog supposed to cater for the (narrow)interests of Richard of Orleans ? Is the entire blogosphere simply there as his plaything ?

Perhaps this sudden "interest" in taps is not a bad thing. There is indeed interest and fascination to be found in the most seemingly mundane of things when examined in detail.

Maybe in time Richard de Robinets will become more wholesome and entertaining that Richard of Orleans.

richard of orléans a dit…

the below is the comment deleted on the Coilnb site

"Maybe you are as fed up as I am of the self satisfied tone of the teacher. You can find much clearer and simpler lessons on this site
Smug free lessons

I see colinb you couldn't get the link to my site to work. If you check these lessons you should be able to see why.

sciencebod a dit…

Feel free to delete this, Richard, since that's what will happen to anything you send to my site (for reasons given previously).

Before you start giving what you call "Smug free lessons", you should consider making them "Smog-free". Comprendo ?

Bill Taylor a dit…

Considering that he won't let you on his blog, it's amazing the amount of time Benjy Berry spends on yours, Richard.

richard of orléans a dit…

Bill, I know, but we have to suffer fools gladly. Xmas is coming.

sciencebod a dit…

Benjy Olivet/Benjy Taylor/Benjy A N Other can post to my blog if they wish, but if their aim is merely to make obnoxious comments at the expense of the blogger, then they too will get the blue pencil treatment.

I realise that the definition of "obnoxious" is subjective, but in the absence of a Universal Blog Refereeing service, then it's the blogger's decision as to where to draw the line.

richard of orléans a dit…

Colinb, are you being affected by the Xmas spirit? I remind you my name is Richard of Orléans.

richard of orléans a dit…

Welcome back Anne. Long time no see. Now my Christmas stocking is overbrimming.