14 janvier 2007

The next Anglo Saxon lie

And so now we have the ‘surge’. Having already had the ‘WMD’, ‘the war on terror’, ‘the terrorists’ ‘special rendition’. What amazes me is that everybody goes around looking serious and debating this stuff as if it has some connexion with reality.

I always remember how stupid Colin Powell looked standing up in front of the UN with a few photos of mouldy looking trucks and a phial of liquid. We were supposed to believe that this represented a major threat to the world’s security. If it was on Monty Python people would think it was too far fetched.

Let’s get it straight the event that has created the ‘war on terror’ that is disrupting the whole world was started by 17 (mainly Saudis) with cutters. Yes it was a tragic event, but does it justify creating the endless trauma that the world now knows? How come the US and other nations can justify spending billions, killing 100's of thousands because of those seventeen cutters. Do you really believe that two sick men hidden up in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan or Pakistan with absolutely no resources at their disposal bar a few video cassettes are truly a major threat to world peace? How come every other threat to world peace related to nations with bombs and armies that you could count in the 100,000’s. Now a nation who spends billions of $’s every day on every type of imaginable weapon is totally distraught in front of a couple of old guys who produce a video cassette from time to time. Do you really believe it? Or don’t you think that we have two nutters in the White House and Downing Street who are fomenting trouble because they are incompetent?

Where is the biggest trouble in the world today? It is in Iraq. Why, because there was a totally fabricated war against terrorism and WMD. Oh yes you’ll say there was already violence there and elsewhere. True just like there have always been wars and violence on this planet. But can you genuinely say that the totally artificial ‘war on terrorism’ is not creating problems wherever it goes and solving absolutely nothing whatsoever.

I am particularly irate because of the ‘surge’. First we had the Iraq war machine that invaded Kuwait and was supposed to be the mother of all armies. They turned and ran in a couple of days. Then we had the ‘Iraqis’ with the cutters. Then we had the WMD; the nuclear bombs, the chemical weapons. We had the Iraqis with a ‘democratic government’ Now we have the ‘surge’, it’s the next lie. What is it? I don’t know. I just know it’s a wanton manipulation of language. An action which will just make this planet less safe, and is calculated purely to help Anglo-Saxon politicians. It is supposed to be an extra 25,000 American troops who will now go to Iraq for a short while and solve all the problems that have not been solved. Utter clap trap. Do you really think George Bush knows, within 20,000 how many active troops he has, in a country the size of France and a population of 28 million.

No, what it looks like today is an extension of the war to Iran. Of course the Iranians are crawling all over Iraq. First off the conception of nations is totally different to Western ideas. The Shias in Iran and Iraq are more or less the same nation. The British have handed the running of the south over to the Shias ie the Iranians. Now Bush wants to fight these guys.Talk about confusion. And what do we do? We all sit and watch this mess proliferate. Helpless and pathetic.

1 commentaire:

anonyhamster a dit…

Get back on your medication! You've been watching "Lord of the Rings" too many times and imagine that getting rid of bin Laden and his store of videos will have the same effect as the destruction of the ring had on Sauron and his armies. Looking at Iraq just now it would seem that Sunni and Shia would continue to kill each other even if Bush and Blair disappeared overnight ("a consummation devoutly to be wished", I agree.) This is what would have happened in Iraq on Saddam's (natural) death or even before given Iran's propensity for causing trouble.